Acupuncture for Constipation
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer with constipation by relaxing the body and treating the symptoms. It is believed that the chi that runs through the body keeps you at your optimum health unless the energy currents are unbalanced. An acupuncturist will try to recalibrate the chi currents. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Diet for Constipation
Your diet should be full of fibre which can help the digestive system work like raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and beans. Other foods that are best to relieve constipation include leafy greens which also contain magnesium, prunes or figs as they have a laxative effect, warm liquids first thing in the morning can stimulate digestion. You should avoid foods that have empty calories like chips, ice cream, processed meats, and cheese, as well as fried foods, alcohol.
SupplementsĀ for Constipation
There are several supplements that can relieve constipation. This might include chia seeds and flaxseeds in order to help absorb water, psyllium husk which is high in fibre, cod liver oil which stimulates bowel movement, magnesium which improves gut motility, probiotics which can help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract.
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