Acupuncture for Lupus
This is an ancient and traditional Chinese remedy, that focuses on balancing your inner energy called Chi, which, when correctly balanced, improves your overall health and vitality. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and can manually moved or electronically manipulated. It can help with lupus by relieving pain caused by anti-inflammatory disease.
Chiropractic Treatment for Lupus
Chiropractors believe that the nervous system and spine connect the entire body. If one part of the spine is out of alignment, then it can cause pain and problems in other areas of the body. With the use of different techniques including manual manipulation, among others, chiropractic treatments can help with the pain caused by lupus. It can help with spinal problems, reduce joint and back pain, and treat headache.
Supplements for Lupus
Taking extra nutrients every day can help to reduce and prevent symptoms caused by lupus. These include omega-3 fish oil which reduces inflammation, DHEA, vitamin D3 which helps control the immune systems and reduce depression, green superfood supplement which boosts the electrolytes in your body. Taking supplements replace nutrient deficiencies and lower the inflammation, pain, and skin issues caused by the lupus disease.
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