Acupuncture for Metabolic Syndrome
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy can help to reduce insulin levels for those with metabolic syndrome. It is believe that the chi (energy) that runs throughout your body, when aligned and balanced properly, can help to prevent you contracting disease or suffering from pain. An acupuncturist will attempt to realign and balance your chi. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin and then being manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplements for Metabolic Syndrome
Finding supplements that can help to reduce the insulin levels in your body can help you to control your metabolic syndrome. Try to find antioxidant supplements, as well as increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet. These supplements will contain carotenoids which help reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome. Another supplement is kudzu which help with weight gain and gives you healthier blood pressure, insulin, and cholesterol levels.
Diet for Metabolic Syndrome
Diet plays a huge part in the metabolic syndromes and it’s important to change your diet in order to help with your symptoms. Try to incorporate foods like fat-free or low-fat diary products, low saturated- and trans-fats as well as cholesterol foods, a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods which are high in salt, or those with added sugar.
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