Acupuncture for Thyroid
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy focuses on the energies inside your body called chi. If these energies are unbalanced you will become more susceptible to disease and suffering from pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into your skin and then being manually moved or electronically manipulated. Acupuncture can help with thyroid problem by improving the symptoms due it’s link to deficiency in kidney energies.
Supplements for Thyroid
There are many natural nutrients that could help with thyroid symptoms. One of these include ashwagandha which helps with stress, hormone balance, and reduces the severity of the disorder. Another is iodine which allows significant changes in thyroid hormone function and helps prevents deficiency. One more is selenium which reduces autoimmune affects and can improve the structure of the thyroid gland. Others include l-tyrosine, fish oil, vitamin B-complex, probiotic supplements.
Essential Oils for Thyroid
Some essential oils can help to improve thyroid function and heals the symptoms of autoimmune disease. Try three drops of frankincense oil along with five parts lemongrass oil and five parks clove oil and rub them directly onto the thyroid. Also you can try two drops of frankincense on the roof of your mouth twice a day.
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