Acupuncture for Gastritis
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from gastritis by reducing or eliminating gastric mucosal lesions as well as inflammation. It is believed that the chi inside our bodies works to bring us to optimal health, and so acupuncturist aim to stimulate chi in order to realign it. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically stimulated.
Diet for Gastritis
The first thing to do when trying to treat gastritis is to remove irritating foods from your diet. This might include packaged and processed foods, fried foods, or spicy foods. Having an overall poor diet may also be the cause of gastritis. Try to eat fresh foods especially vegetables and fruits and avoid sugary drinks. Eat little and often rather than big meals and try to avoid skipping meals. Track foods like caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits, dairy, tea, tomatoes, etc., to see if they are the cause of your problems.
Exercise and Stress Control for Gastritis
High amounts of stress can cause inflammation as well as not exercising regularly. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes a day to boost immune functions, maintain a healthy body weight, balance hormones and help to control stress. Attempt stress relieving practises such as tai chi, yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation.
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