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Nephritis is a condition where the kidneys are inflamed. There are various types of nephritis, the main ones being: Interstitial Nephritis, Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis.
Interstitial Nephritis is when the space between the small tubes in the kidney becomes inflamed. There is acute interstitial nephritis when it is just temporary or chronic interstitial nephritis which is ongoing and can get worse with time. The main and most common causes of acute interstitial nephritis are due to certain medications or autoimmune diseases, such as, Kawaski disease as well as infections.
Pyelonephritis usually begins as a water infection (urinary tract infection). The infection begins in the urinary tract and as the bacteria enters your body, it will work its way to the bladder and travel to the kidneys. Women tend to suffer with this more than men as it is easier for bacteria to enter their bodies, causing the infection. People who suffer with kidney stones are bladder infections are also more prone to getting this
Glomerulonephritis is a form of nephritis that is mainly caused by infections and illnesses in your body, such as, strep throat, lupus or Wegener’s disease. It is a group of diseases that can harm and injure your kidneys.


The symptoms depend on what form of nephritis you have and if it is acute or chronic but some of the symptoms people may experience are swelling, mainly in the face, legs and feet as well as having the constant need to urinate and when they do it can burn and is painful. Their urine may be cloudy or have blood in it, they may also experience vomiting and have a pain in the stomach and kidney area.