Acupuncture for Pancreatitis
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from pancreatitis by reducing pancreatic inflammation and stopping internal blockages in the pancreas. It is believed that the chi (energies) running inside your body keep you at optimum health when they are balanced. Your acupuncturist will try to realign the chi to make you healthy. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then either manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplements for Pancreatitis
It’s a good idea to give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs to help to fight the pancreatitis symptoms. These supplements might be vitamin A which aids strong bones and immune function, vitamin C which slows tumour growth, vitamin D which represses cancer cells and reduces inflammation and fibrosis, vitamin E which inhibits tumour growth, vitamin K which inhibits pancreatic tumour cells. It is also recommended to take omega-3 fatty acids as they reduce inflammation and improve immunity.
Diet for Pancreatitis
You should try to avoid food allergens such as dairy, corn, preservatives, additives, wheat, soy, as well as stimulate such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. Incorporate fresh fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, healthy oils like olive or coconut, and antioxidant rich foods like cherries and bell peppers.
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