Acupuncture for Scoliosis
This treatment is an ancient and traditional Chinese medicine which balances the energy pathways in your body in order to give you optimal health. Acupuncture could help to slow down the process of scoliosis which is the abnormal curving of the spine. It consists of the use of tiny metallic needles into your skin and are then either manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation.
Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis
A chiropractor will look for joints that are in the wrong location and will attempt to reposition them. A traditional chiropractor will try to promote movement and straighten the curvature of your spine by pressing down on your spine and rib cage. However, this alone will not help scoliosis, in fact it will probably aggregate it more. Chiropractic treatment must aim to stabilise and correct the spine in order to promote mobility.
Electrical Stimulation of Muscles for Scoliosis
Scoliosis is usually a painless spinal problem, however as the spine curves, the muscles surrounding it may become strained and begin to spasm. In order to treat this symptom, you can receive electrical muscle stimulation which stops pain signals from reaching your brain, meaning your body can produce more of its own natural pain killers called endorphins.
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