Locations: LA, SF, San Diego, Seattle, Texas, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington DC, New York


Gastritis is caused by inflammation of the stomach and there are two types: Acute Gastritis (when it occurs suddenly) and Chronic Gastritis (when it occurs gradually). There are many factors that can cause gastritis but the two main ones are: The bacteria Helicobacter Pylori that lives in the lining of your stomach and can lead to bigger health problems such as ulcers or stomach cancer or other stomach infections brought on by bacteria as well as too much alcohol, stress, smoking and certain medications that you may be taking. If you are experiencing gastritis, it is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine, fast for the period you are having symptoms and avoid medications. If it goes untreated, it can lead to bigger problems.


Acute gastritis occurs suddenly and can last for anything from a few hours to a couple of days whereas chronic gastritis which occurs gradually may only bring mild symptoms. However, the most common symptom of gastritis is stomach pains along with nausea and vomiting (this may only last for 24-48 hours with acute gastritis). Other symptoms include bloating and cramping, loss of appetite, indigestion, bleeding and irregular bowel movements. If your symptoms do not go after a couple of days and they continue, it is best to see a doctor.