Acupuncture for Spinal Stenosis
This traditional Chinese treatment can help to address symptoms of spinal stenosis such as numbness, weakness, tingling, and pain. Acupuncture is all about focusing on your energy called Chi and keeping your energies balanced. It involves using inserting tiny needles into the skin and can then be manually moved, or electronically stimulated. The needles would be focused in the area of the symptoms of spinal stenosis such as the lower back, buttocks, legs and feet.
Chiropractic Treatment for Spinal Stenosis
A chiropractor will look for the source of your pain and then recommend different types of treatment to relax the tight muscles from spinal stenosis. They will attempt realign displaced vertebrae and reduce the pressure on compressed nerves. Some these treatments may include flexion distraction, ultrasound therapy, manual spinal adjustment, or electrotherapy.
Massage Therapy for Spinal Stenosis
The symptoms of spinal stenosis can cause a lot of problems and in order to combat them, your doctor or physical therapist might suggest regular massage treatments. This can include a Swedish massage which is the basic kneading, stretching, and rubbing of your muscles, a deep tissue massage which is where your massage therapist finds the direct place of the symptoms and uses direct pressure on the location to release tension, or you could have craniosacral therapy which is the use of gentle manipulation of your head and other areas.
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