Acupuncture for Cataracts
This ancient and traditional treatment can help those who suffer from cataracts by correcting or reducing problems, strengthen eyes, and treat symptoms. It is believed that the chi that runs through our body works to keep us at optimum health. An acupuncturist will aim to balance and realign your chi to treat you. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Diet for Cataracts
Your diet should be very antioxidant rich in order to stop cataracts from developing, protect your eyesDiet of Cataracts from oxidative stress, and maintain enzymatic pathways to prevent cataracts from forming. You can find antioxidants in foods like fresh fruit and vegetables. Other foods to include in your diet include omega-3 in fish, zinc rich foods like yogurt and chickpeas, vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruit, vitamin E rich foods like spinach, and vitamin A rich foods like carrots or dark leafy greens.
Supplements for Cataracts
If you can’t receive the nutrients from the list above from food then a good alternative is supplements. Along with those already mentioned, others include Bilberry which has great benefits for the eyes, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants.
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