Acupuncture for Depression
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from depression by relieving the depression symptoms and treating the underlying condition. It is believed that the chi (energy) that runs through your body keeps you healthy both mentally and physically as long as these energies are balanced and aligned. An acupuncturist will aim to realign the energies that are mis-aligned and causing your depression. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into your skin and then manually moved or electronically moved.
Supplements for Depression
There are some supplements that can help with depression symptoms. These include St. John’s wort which has a calming effect, SAMe which is dietary supplement, omega-3 fatty acids which promotes health, saffron can help symptoms, 5-HTP which improves serotonin levels, and DHEA which is a hormone made by the body and when taking as a supplement can improve symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes for Depression
Removing the triggers for your depression is the first step, but otherwise changing your diet into a serotonin-enhancing diet can help as well. This might include foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like wile salmon, healthy fats like coconut oil, and high protein. You should avoid caffeine and alcohol. Exercise is important as it releases endorphins and boost your vitamin D by exposing yourself to sunlight.
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