Acupuncture for Spondylitis
The ancient, traditional Chinese treatment is used to help with back and neck pain. It is the use of tiny, metallic needles which are pressed into your skin and are either manually manipulated or electrically stimulated. Its focus is balance the internal forces of energy in your body to give you optimum health and helps the body to release chemical which reduce pain.
Chiropractic Treatment for Spondylitis
Chiropractors focus on the nervous system and believe that a healthy nervous system leads to a healthy body. If a vertebra is misaligned it might distress the nervous system and become a spinal disorder which can cause chronic back and neck pain. Your chiropractor may use ultrasound, spinal manipulation, ice/heat therapy and/or massage to help eliminate pain.
Electrical Stimulation for Muscles of Spondylitis
The use of electrical waves to reduce the pain caused by the fatigue and spasms of the muscles in the back, can be an option for spondylitis. The electric waves stop pain messages reaching the brain and so reduces pain overall and forces the body to produce endorphin, which are the body’s natural pain killer.
Therapeutic Exercise for Spondylitis
These exercise, given by a physical therapist, or from a gentle practise (ie, yoga), promotes movement, flexibility, and builds strength.
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