Acupuncture for Hyperglycemia
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy can help those who suffer from diabetes by lowering their blood sugar levels and decreases the risk of insulin resistance. Acupuncture is believe to help balance the energies in your body called chi, which when unbalanced can cause disease and pain. Aligning these energies will help to combat pain and suffering. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Diet for Hyperglycemia
Your diet is a hugely important part of diabetes as control of your diet means control of your blood sugar levels. You must remove certain foods from your diet like refined sugar, cows milk, alcohol, hydrogenated oils, GMO foods, and grains, as they can affect your blood sugar levels. You should introduce foods that are high in chromium like broccoli, fibre like vegetables, magnesium spinach, as well as heathy fats like coconut milk, clean protein like organic chicken, and food with low glycemic load like berries.
Supplements for Hyperglycemia
There are many supplements to help combat diabetes, among them being chromium picolinate which helps to improve insulin sensitivity. Another is cinnamon which lowers blood sugar level. Fish oil is also a good supplement to help combat diabetes, as well as alpha lipoic acid which is an antioxidant.
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