Acupuncture for Conjunctivitis
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those suffering from conjunctivitis by reducing discomfort and itching, and treating symptoms for both acute and serious cases. It is believed that the chi running through your body keeps you in optimum health. An acupuncturist works to realign and balance your chi to bring you back to full health. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin and then being manually moved or electronically stimulated.
Herbs for Conjunctivitis
There are several herbs that can help with conjunctivitis and fighting off the infection. Tulsi (holy basil) is famous for it’s healing power and has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects when applied to the eye. It can also fight bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Green tea relieves irritation and inflammation when a tea bag is placed on the eye. Turmeric can reduce inflammation and has antibacterial properties and can help relieve symptoms. Applying aloe vera gel to the eyelid can help to reduce inflammation and fight off the infection.
Preventative Measure for Conjunctivitis
You should make sure to follow these preventative measure to avoid spreading the infection: wash your hands after touching the eye, wash your towels and wash cloths, don’t share make up or brushes, don’t use the same compress twice, don’t wear contacts until the symptoms clear.
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