Acupuncture for Pelvic Inflammation
This is a traditional and ancient Chinese treatment which focuses of aligning the chi (energy) inside your body. If your chi is not balanced you will be more susceptible to disease and suffering pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or energetically manipulated. Acupuncture can help with pelvic inflammation by reducing abdominal pains, bloating, leukorrhea, menstrual pain, fatigue, pelvic pain, irregular menstruation.
Herbal Medicine for Pelvic Inflammation
There are several herbs that can help with pelvic inflammation by increases the blood circulation and clearing the blood of heat and toxins. These might include herbs like Bai Jiang Cao which drains pus and abscesses, Lu Lu Tong which promotes urination and relieves trapped wind, and Hong Teng which invigorates the blood and relieves pain. These herbs can combat the pathogenic factors associated with pelvic inflammation.
Diet for Pelvic Inflammation
You might be recommended to try an elimination diet to find if any foods are aggravating your pelvis. You will begin by eliminating certain foods like eggs, shellfish, peasants, etc, from your diet and then slowing reintroduce them to find out if you are allergic to any of them. Try to make notes of any symptoms that might crop up. Avoid any foods you might get a reaction from.
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