Acupuncture for Atopic dermatitis
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from atopic dermatitis by reducing hypersensitivity itch, inducing counter-irritation, and distraction from the itch. It is believed that the chi (energies) that run through the run keep you at optimum health and when they are unbalanced you are more susceptible to disease, disorders, and pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin and then manual moved or electronically manipulated.
Light Therapy/Phototherapy for Atopic dermatitis
Being in the sun for ten to fifteen minutes a day can help to provide relief and speed up the healing process. It also increases vitamin D (also found in some foods like cod liver oil, salmon, eggs) production and also fights bacteria on the skin in order to calm inflammation, reduces itching, and soothes the skin. Low vitamin D levels might increase the risk of developing atopic dermatitis.
Treating the Skin for Atopic dermatitis
You must moisturise the affected areas at least twice a day to soothe the skin. Coconut oil is very effective as it is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and had antimicrobial properties and can also speed healing. Deep sea salt baths can improve skin hydration, improve skin barrier function, relieve redness and roughness, and inflammation. Also apply cold, wet compresses to lessen the itching of the skin.
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