Acupuncture for Tendinitis
This traditional and ancient Chinese treatment focuses on your inner energy called Chi, which when properly aligned and focused, can provide you will health and vitality. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated. Acupuncture is effective in treating extreme pain, increases blood circulation, and oxygen saturation. It can also decrease inflammation in the tendons.
Chiropractic Treatment for Tendinitis
Chiropractors believe that your body is entirely linked together, and the spine and nervous system are the core. With properly aligned spinal bones it can promote maximum health and allow your body to heal itself in the correct way. Chiropractors will use techniques like manual spinal manipulation, electrical muscle stimulation, ice therapy, and more to reduce inflammation and pain. The chiropractic process will help to loosen the tendons and reduce pain and inflammation.
Massage Therapy for Tendinitis
This treatment can help to loosen and relieve tense muscles and reduce the likelihood of your joints locking up. Regular massage therapy loosens the tissue and stops the clogging of muscle fibres. This improves your range of motion and reduces the chance of further injury. Therapies might include deep tissue massage, or a sports massage.
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