Acupuncture for Sciatica
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help to relieve muscle pain and spasm. It involves tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin where the pain is focus. The use of acupuncture balances the energy inside your body called Chi, which when working correcting, leads to being healthy. It also diverts pain and spasm messages to your brain to relieve the aching from sciatica.
Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica
Chiropractors believe that in order to remain healthy and your body to be able to heal you, your spine and nervous system must also be healthy and working correctly. They use many techniques to realign the spine and care for the nervous system. The treatment they choose will depend on how severe the sciatic is. These therapies could include ice/cold therapy which reduces inflammation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) which uses electric currents to control acute pain and spasms, or spinal manipulation to restore misaligned bones to reduce nerve irritation.
Massage Therapy for Sciatica
Massages can help to loosen your tight lower back muscles which are placing strain on your nerve roots. The massage will prevent pinching of the nerve or irritation. A massage can also release the pain killer your body makes called endorphins to reduce pain.
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