Acupuncture for Prostate Enlargement
This treatment is an ancient and tradition Chinese therapy focused on balancing and harmonising the energies inside your body called Chi. It is believed that once these energies are balanced you are less likely to contract diseases or develop pain. Acupuncture can help with an enlarged prostate by reducing the symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine stream, strain, and needing to urinate during the night. It is effective with many prostate problems and improves patient’s quality of life.
Physical Therapy for Prostate Enlargement
Your physical therapist will work with you in pelvic floor training to strengthen the pelvic muscles which can help with the abnormal and involuntary loss of urine for people with enlarged prostate. These exercises are called kegel exercises and include the contracting and releasing of the muscle. In the long run these exercises will help to support the bladder.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Prostate Enlargement
You will have to make some changes if you suffer from prostate enlargement and these can help to relieve the symptoms to give you some relief. It is suggested to avoid alcohol and caffeine, increase your intake of healthy fats such as omega-3. You should also reduce the amount you drink in the evenings, urinate every three hours, and have a healthy weight and partake in physical activity often.
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