Locations: LA, SF, San Diego, Seattle, Texas, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington DC, New York


Glaucoma is a very common eye disease where the fluid pressure in the eye rises causing damage to the optic nerve (this connects the eye to the brain). Glaucoma is more common in older adults (70s or 80s) even though it can affect people of any age. If it is left untreated, it can lead to loss of vision. Glaucoma normally affects both eyes but can be more severe in just one. It is still unknown what the exact cause of glaucoma is but you do have Primary Glaucoma and Secondary Glaucoma. If it is primary glaucoma, it means that the reason for it is unknown and if it is secondary glaucoma, there is a known reason for it, such as, a tumour, diabetes or inflammation. There are four types of glaucoma which include, Acute angle-closure glaucoma (comes on very suddenly) chronic glaucoma (progresses very slowly), low-tension glaucoma (rare form of glaucoma where there is normal pressure but damage to the optic nerve) and pigmentary glaucoma (type of angle glaucoma).


Glaucoma is known as the ‘thief of sight,’ and depending on the type of glaucoma, it can often be symptomless at the beginning (especially in chronic). The most common symptom of glaucoma though is eye pain and blurred vision as well as sudden vision problems (narrowed vision) and red eyes. The eye pain can also incur sickness and vomiting.