Acupuncture for Urinary Stone
This is a traditional and ancient Chinese therapy used to refocus the energies called chi inside your body. When these energies are unfocused and unbalanced you are more susceptible to diseases and pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and are then manually moved or electronically manipulated. Acupuncture can help with urinary stones by helping to work the urinary stone down the ureter and helping to reduce the stone in size.
Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, and Raw Apple Vinegar for Urinary Stone
This may be one of the most effective remedies for kidney stones and reduces the pain and discomfort. Mix two ounces of olive oil and two ounces of lemon juice. Drink it all and then drink a twelve-ounce glass of purified water, and after 30 minutes put half a lemons worth of lemon juice into twelve ounce of water along with one tablespoon of raw apple vinegar. Do this every hour until symptoms improve.
Uva Ursi for Urinary Stone
This is a herb that has high disinfectant and solvent properties which can cleanse the urinary tract which will help to ease the passing of urinary stones. Ingesting Uva Ursi three times a day can benefit those with urinary stones. You can find this herb in supplement form.
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