Acupuncture for Pneumothorax
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from pneumothorax by reducing the symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, and pain in the chest. It is believed that the chi (energies) inside our body are what gives us optimal health when balanced properly. An acupuncture will work to redirect and realign your chi. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Herbal Treatments for Pneumothorax
Certain herbal treatments can help to ease the pain and symptoms of pneumothorax. These treatments have special abilities to help aid recovery. They might include eucalyptus oil which is a decongestant and pain reliever, mustard oil which stimulates blood circulation and relieves chest pain, ginger which is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and relieves fatigue and coughing.
Breathing Exercises for Pneumothorax
Doing breathing exercises regularly can help to strengthen your lung muscles as well as relax. One such exercise is to sit cross-legged on a floor mat or comfortable chair, keep your back straight and inhale deeply. Allow your lungs to fill and chest to expand, making sure you are not receiving pain while doing it. Create a small pursed hole with your lips and then exhale slowly for twice as long as it took you to inhale. Do this for ten minutes per day and make sure your lung and abdomen expansion increases.
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