Acupuncture for Menstrual Pain
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy focuses on aligned the chi (energy) inside your body to promote optimum health and help you avoid diseases and pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin which are then manually manipulated or electronically stimulated. Acupuncture can help with menstrual pain by reducing the pain intensity and limiting the need for pain medication and improve the overall quality of life.
Supplements for Menstrual Pain
Increasing your intake of magnesium can help with your nerve and muscle functions which can help to ease painful cramps. You can take these either through the food you eat or through a dietary supplement. It is also suggested to take fish oil supplements and vitamin B which can simnifically lower the pa%MCEPASTEBIN%in from cramps. You can also try herbal teas which have a calming effect on cramps such as cramp bark, or tea with peppermint oil.
Diet for Menstrual Pain
In order to relieve cramps, you should consider reducing your fat intake and increase your vegetable intake. Low-fat diets decrease the levels of inflammation in the body and not along gives you better overall health but can have an effect on menstrual cramps. Try to replace unhealthy fats like those found in animal products with healthier fats like olive oil, fish, and nuts.
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