Acupuncture for High Blood Pressure
This traditional and ancient Chinese treatment can help those who suffer with high blood pressure by helping to manage your blood pressure while reducing the risk of heart disease. It is based on the idea that the energies, called chi, in your body need to be balanced in order to give you good health and vitality. Acupuncture is a way to redirect your energies by using tiny metallic needles which are inserted into your skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Exercise for High Blood Pressure
This is one of the best way to lower your blood pressure. It can make your heart stronger and more efficient which can in turn lower blood pressure. It’s recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as running can lower your blood pressure and ultimately improve the health of your heart. Even walking for 30 minutes everyday can help to lower your blood pressure.
Diet for High Blood Pressure
You should consider what you’re putting in your body as this can increase your blood pressure. Avoid sodium rich foods as this has a high link to blood pressure. You should also drink less alcohol, eat more potassium, reduce caffeine intake, and avoid refined carbs or added sugar.
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