Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia
This is a traditional and ancient Chinese treatment that focuses on the balance of your inner energy called Chi, which when properly balanced, can keep your health and vitality up. The treatment involves tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin which can then be manually moved or electrically manipulated. Acupuncture can help with fibromyalgia by reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of your body’s natural pain killers called endorphins and reduces stiffness.
Chiropractic Treatment for Fibromyalgia
Chiropractors believe that your body is a connected system that should all be properly aligned in order to promote maximum health. They help to realign your skeleton with manipulations, stretches, and adjustments and these will reduce the pain symptoms that come with fibromyalgia. A chiropractor will also try to release the compressed meninges (upper spine coverings) which give you pain all over your body. Chiropractic treatment will help to relieve the pain and fatigue of this disorder.
Massage Treatment for Fibromyalgia
These massage treatments focus on relieving the painful symptoms of fibromyalgia and can reduce the feelings of fatigue and mild depression. It helps you to relax your muscles and manage the deep pain in the spine along with the tender point pains. With regular visits the stiffness will be reduced and movability will increase.
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