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Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction, “Heart attack” in layman’s terms, occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is stopped, generally due to a build-up of plaque that blocks the coronary arteries. Such build-up is known as Coronary Artery disease, and it is the most common cause of a heart attack. A slightly different cause that we sometimes see is a spasm of a Coronary Artery. Either way, the interruption to the blood flow can cause damage to the heart muscle and is sometimes fatal.
Sometimes it will come totally as a surprise. Other times there are plenty of warning signs. Many could easily be confused with other conditions. Symptoms such as these include nausea, dizziness, short breath fatigue and a cold sweat.
Angina, pain in the chest caused by the temporary reduced flow of blood to the heart, is a more specific warning and can come hours or even days before the condition progresses to cardiac arrest. The warning signs should be heeded, and urgent medical help should be sought. Some people have no such warnings and move straight into cardiac arrest.
It cannot be stressed highly enough that how important it is to get medical help as soon as one does become aware of any warning signs.