Locations: LA, SF, San Diego, Seattle, Texas, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington DC, New York


Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar is a condition where the blood sugar lowers to below normal levels, there is not enough sugar in the blood. Hypoglycemia is not actually referred to as a disease, but it is thought of as more of a symptom of another medical illness. Hypoglycemia is very common in people who suffer with diabetes. People with diabetes need to take insulin or other medication to bring their blood sugar down. However, if a diabetic person takes too much insulin, this results in their blood sugars dropping excessively low. Other causes of hypoglycemia can be due to liver diseases, such as hepatitis, a tumour in the pancreas or other parts of the body which cause an over-production of insulin, eating disorders, such as, anorexia can cause low blood sugars, heavy drinking, kidney infections or disorders, increasing activity and certain medications.


At the beginning, someone will only experience mild symptoms which include, excess sweating, heart palpitations as well as a faster heart rate weakness and dizziness, they may feel more hungry than usual, trembling and tingling lips. If it progresses to severe hypoglycemia (also referred to as diabetic shock), this can result in irrational behaviour, confusion and they will not be able to eat or drink. If this goes untreated it will cause seizures and even make someone fall into a coma.