Acupuncture for Hepatitis
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy can help those who suffer from hepatitis by reducing blood stagnation, resolve stasis, as well as enhance the body’s immunity. It is believed that the energies that run through your body keep you at your optimum health as long as they are balanced. Acupuncture involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Diet for Hepatitis
You must maintain a healthy diet in order to life a healthier life. You should increase the amount of antioxidant rich foods and chlorophyll filled food in order to reduce oxidative stress and damage to the liver. Some of these foods might include leafy green vegetables, root vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh herbs, organic meat and wild-caught fish, grass fed cattle and chicken, probiotic dairy, nuts and seeds, and unrefined oils.
Milk Thistle for Hepatitis
This has a lot of benefits and can help to support the liver and detox it. Milk thistle can rebuild liver cells and remove bodily toxins that should be processed through the liver. It also acts as an antioxidant by reducing oxidative stress and free radical production. It also acts as a toxin blockade that inhibits the bindings of toxins in liver cells.
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