Acupuncture for Cervical Cancer
This ancient and traditional Chinese therapy focuses on balancing the chi (energies) inside your body. When these energies are unbalanced you are more susceptible to diseases and suffering pain. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into your skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated. Acupuncture can help with cervical cancer by decreasing stress levels, and balancing hormones.
Supplements for Cervical Cancer
Using dietary supplements can help to promSupplements of Cervical Cancerote health and give you extra nutrients your body needs to fight diseases. One such supplement is vitamin A which improves your immune system and can protect your cervix from cancerous cells. It can also reduce the severity of cervical cancer. Another is vitamin B-2 which prevents cancer cells from developing in the cervix. Other supplements include cat’s claw and turmeric which boosts the immune system functions.
Diet for Cervical Cancer
In order to gives your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs you should change your diet to increase your intake of them. Foods like grains, nuts, beans, seeds, vegetables, and fruits are full of antioxidants and enzymes for good health. Try to avoid unhealthy fats like animal products such as red meat and replace them with healthy ones like olive oil.
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