Acupuncture for Leukorrhea
This is an ancient and tradition Chinese treatment that relies on the realigning of chi (energy) inside your body. If your chi is not balanced you are more susceptible to disease and pain. It involves the use of metallic needles which are inserted into your skin and then manually moved or electronically stimulated. Acupuncture can help with leukorrhea by reducing the symptoms such as discharge, headaches, stomach pain, fatigue, and constipation.
Proper Hygiene for Leukorrhea
You must be aware that leukorrhea often develops when there is improper feminine hygiene. Make sure to change out of wet or damp clothes as soon as possible to stop infection developing. Use an irritant-free soap to clean proper and avoid products designed for feminine hygiene as these can make it worse and more likely for leukorrhea to develop due to over-washing. Try to avoid synthetic underwear, and always use clean underwear, to allow the area to breath and avoid bacteria build up.
Diet and Supplements for Leukorrhea
Try to introduce some new products into your diet such as fenugreek seeds which promotes reproductive health, dried coriander which removes toxins from the body, over-ripe bananas which help with stomach pains. Be aware that what you put into your body can have an effect on how it combats infections and bacteria.
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