Acupuncture for Stress
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from stress by relieve the stress symptoms and restoring a feeling of calm. It is believe that the energies (chi) inside your body keep you healthy both mentally and physically so when these become out of line you can suffer. Acupuncture involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplements for Stress
There are a few supplements that can help reduce the feeling of stress and it’s symptoms. These include kava root which has a calming effect and relieves anxiety, restlessness, stress symptoms, and sleeplessness, lemon balm which boosts calmness and improves alertness, theanine which supports brain health, helps promote calmness and boosts cognitive function, valerian which promotes a sense of tranquility and peace as well helping with insomnia and anxiety, lavender which when smelled gives you stress relief, and chamomile which relaxes muscles, calms nerves and reduces insomnia and anxiety.
Exercise for Stress
You should try to exercise for thirty minutes everyday as this can seriously improve your mental health. It can reduce the feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety by produce endorphin which will reduce the stress symptoms and make you feel calm and relaxed.
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