Acupuncture for Irritable bowel syndrome
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome by reducing chronic pain and abdominal bloating, along with other IBS symptoms. It is believed that the chi that runs in our bodies helps to keep us at optimum health, and an acupuncturist will aim to restore and redirect your chi in order to give you relief. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin and then being manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplement and Herbs for Irritable bowel syndrome
In order to relax the gut and restore the balance of bacteria if your digestive system some supplements may be helpful. For example, evening primrose, fish oil, borage oil, and probiotics. Herbs can also be helpful to relieve IBS symptoms such as peppermint which calms the muscles in you colon, or a mixture of over 30 different herbs in a formula which you can receive from a herbalist.
Hypnosis for Irritable bowel syndrome
There has been evidence that hypnotherapy can help with IBS. It can reduce the symptoms of IBS as well as allow those who suffer with it a better quality of life. Patients have found that their physical symptoms have been reduced as well as their peace of mind.
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