Acupuncture for lumbago (Lower Back Pain)
This traditional Chinese treatment focuses on the Chi energies through your body and helps to balance the energy throughout your body to keep you healthy. For lower back pain acupuncture can increased circulation, improve the immune system, energy and vitality, decreased stress level, and most importantly pain relief. Acupuncture is the use of tiny needles in a focused area and can be manually used or electronically manipulated.
Chiropractic Treatment for lumbago (Lower Back Pain)
Chiropractors believe the overall health can be achieved by a well-aligned spine and nervous system. They will attempt to realign the spine to relieve your lower back pain. They will use their hands to relieve stiff and restricted joints and try to increase mobilisation. They may also recommend exercises to continue the work towards increased movement at home. Seeing a chiropractor can also help to relax tense muscles, relieve acute back pain and referred pain like neck and hip pain, as well as headaches.
Massage Therapy for lumbago (Lower Back Pain)
A massage therapist will use applied pressure to the focused pain in your back, and this should relax the muscles and stop spasms and pain. Massage therapy also improves your blood circulation to aid the recovery of pain, relaxes the muscles to give you a broader range of motion, and increases your endorphin levels.
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