Acupuncture for Stroke
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment could help those who suffer from stroke by decreasing the time it takes to get better, reduce the about rehabilitation needed. It is believed that their are energies in our body called chi which, when balanced, keep up healthy. Acupuncture is the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically stimulated in order to realign your chi when needed.
Diet for Stroke
It’s important to keep healthy if yoDiet of Strokeu have had or at risk of having a stoke. A heart-healthy diet is the best option and you can follow it by eating and drinking products like green or black tea which contain flavonoids which decrease cholesterol and blood pressure, fruits and vegetables which increase well-being, pomegranate which is high in antioxidants and phytosterols which lower cholesterol.
Exercise for Stroke
Introduce a low-to-moderate impact exercise could increase your recovery after a stroke. One exercise is yoga, which helps with balance, breathing, and mental focus. Another is tai chi which is a Chinese exercise that also helps with the balancing of the body and can reduce depression and anxiety. It may also prevent strokes in those susceptible to them.
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