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Intercapillary Glomerulosclerosis

Intercapillary glomeruosclerosis or diabetic glomeruosclerosis is a condition when the glomeruli (cluster of nerve endings, blood vessels or capillaries) harden in the kidney. Intercapillary glomeruosclerosis is mainly associated with people that suffer with diabetes. It is damage to the kidneys that is caused by diabetes. The blood vessels in the kidneys are what filter the waste from the blood and as there is generally high blood sugar in diabetes sufferers, this can lead to the blood vessels or capillaries being destroyed. When this happens and it isn’t treated, it can progress to kidney failure. As well as the diabetes playing an important role in this condition, other factors that contribute can include high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the diet (too much protein is dangerous for the kidneys and cutting down just on that can help the kidney to function properly) and smoking.


Unless you have regular urine tests to diagnose the problem, someone may not experience symptoms. Some symptoms may include swelling of the hands, feet and face which may also cause weight gain as well as being painful and there may be some changes in the urine.