Acupuncture for Neck Pain
This is a traditional and ancient Chinese treatment that focuses on the balancing your inner energy called Chi, which, when balanced, keeps you healthy. It involves inserting tiny metallic needles into the skin which can then be manually moved or electronically manipulated. Acupuncture also diverts the pain and spasm messages to the brain so you don’t feel the pain. It can help with neck pain by reducing inflammation, improving muscle stiffness and movement, releasing your body’s natural pain killer called endorphins to reduce pain.
Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain
Chiropractors treat problems to do with the spine and nervous system, believing that will healthy and proper structure of both, your body can heal itself and keep you healthy. They use a number of technique to realign the spine and care for your nervous system. Chiropractors will aim to increase your mobility, reduce pain, and allow your body to release endorphins. Some techniques they use might include cervical mobilisation, cervical manual traction, or cervical “drop” techniques.
Massage Therapy for Neck Pain
The use of massage therapy is aimed to relax the muscles, stop spasms, fluid retention, stiffness, aches, inflammation, and more. It improves your blood circulation and your movability. Massages used may include Swedish, deep tissue, and trigger point.
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