Acupuncture for Arrhythmia
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those suffer from arrhythmia by bringing their heart rhythm to normal. It is believed that the chi (energies) inside your body work together to make you healthy, so when it is out of line, an acupuncturist will aim to balance them once again. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are inserted into the skin and manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplements for Arrhythmia
These are a good way to give your body the boost of vitamins and nutrients it needs to repair itself. For arrhythmia, one such supplement is omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers the risk of heart disease and helps to prevent arrhythmias. Vitamin C is another one that is good for the heart as it is an antioxidant. Magnesium and potassium will help to keep the heart stable. Hawthorne is a herb that can be used to treat heart palpitations.
Diet for Arrhythmia
In order to reduce Arrhythmia you must follow a diet that is focused on a healthy heart. These might include the elimination of salt, increasing the intake of celery, garlic, and onions, the elimination of saturated fats, increasing the intake of potassium, complex carbohydrates, and fibre, and increasing the intake of magnesium through legumes, seeds, whole grains, and tofu.
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