Acupuncture for Insomnia
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer with insomnia by increasing their nighttime melatonin production and overall sleep time. It can also make you fall asleep faster, less awake at night, and less stressed. It is believe that the chi (energies) that runs through your body can help prevent you from developing disorders like insomnia. Acupuncture helps to realign your chi by involving the use of tiny metallic needles inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Supplements for Insomnia
There are some supplements that help improve your sleep pattern. These include valerian root which helps with the onset of sleep and maintaining sleep, chamomile which had a calming effect, as well as lemon balm, skullcap, hops, and passionflower. These can improve your melatonin levels and reduce the symptoms of insomnia as well as helping to sleep.
Lifestyle Changes for Insomnia
There are many things you can do to help with your insomnia. For example exercise is a good way to deepen sleep even if it’s low-to-moderate exercise. Also consider relaxation and meditation techniques to relax your muscles and put your mind at ease. These techniques could include progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback as well as quieting the mind through mediation.
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