Acupuncture for Athletic foot
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who struggle with athlete’s foot by reducing the infection, clearing the fungus, and treating the underlying cause. It is believed that the chi inside your body, once balanced, will keep you at optimum health. An acupuncturist will work to realign your chi. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Anti-fungals for Athletic foot
You can use an anti-fungal cream using two types of essential oil like oregano oil which reduces infections or tea tree oil. Other anti-fungals might include olive leaves which have antimicrobial action to get rid of yeast and fungus, bentonite clay, cinnamon and cayenne for an anti-inflammatory effect, clove oil, and apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to make a homemade anti-fungal power with these ingredients and apply twice a day, including before you put on socks.
Improving Immune System for Athletic foot
There are several things to do to improve your immune system in order to avoid infections. For example, add probiotic to your diet like yogurt and cultured vegetables to restore ‘good’ bacteria, implement garlic into your diet for its anti-fungal properties, avoid processed foods, exercise regularly, and make sure to sleep and eat enough.
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