Acupuncture for Arthritis
Using this method of tradition Chinese treatment for arthritis can divert the pain and numbness messages to your brain. It involves tiny needles being inserted into the skin to balance the flow of energy through your body called Chi. It can help to relieve pain of arthritis. It can also improve pain by increasing the amount of endorphins which are the bodies natural pain killers.
Chiropractic Treatment for Arthritis
Chiropractors focus on the alignment of the spine and nervous system and use manual manipulation to correct ill-alignments. They work to maximise the function of the arthritic joints so there is an increased movability. Chiropractors may use electrotherapy which treat soft tissue by stimulating the nerves and muscles, ultrasound to use sound waves in a massaging effect to reduce swelling and pain, infrared sauna similar to a hot compress to relieve pain and increase circulation, or low-level lasers which penetrate deep tissue which can reduce inflammation.
Massage Therapy for Arthritis
With regular use of massage therapy for arthritis you can manage the pain and stiffness and increase your sleep to relieve the pain in your muscles and joints. The pressure receptors under the skin give signals to your brain in order to alleviate pain. Types of massages that could improve arthritis include Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, Ayurvedic, trigger point, shiatsu, reflexology.