Acupuncture for Shingles
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help with those who suffer with shingles by clearing up the rash and reducing pain significantly. The idea of acupuncture is to balance the energies inside your body which keep you at optimum health. It involves using tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin which are then either manually moved or electrically manipulated.
Skin Care for Shingles
To reduce the spread of the infection it’s a good idea to have cool baths and showers in order to soothe the skin. This can also ease the pain from blisters as well as calm the itchiness of the rash. Another way to treat the skin is to apply wet, cool compresses several times a day to relieve the symptoms and reduce pain. You can also create and apply a paste using cornstarch, baking soda, and water which will relieve itching.
Diet for Shingles
With a dietary change you can boost your immune system and prevent shingles from spreading. You can eat certain foods and avoid others your immune system can kick back into gear. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, B-12, C, and E and the amino acid lysine. These includes foods like leafy greens, eggs, wild-caught fish, legumes, beans, and spinach. Avoid foods with high amounts of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats.
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