Acupuncture for Hypothermia
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help those who suffer with hypothermia by treating the fever and prevention of hypothermia. It is believed that the chi (energies) that run through our bodies work together to give us optimum health. An acupuncturist will aim to correct and rebalance the chi channels. Acupuncture involves the use of tiny metallic needles being inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Slow Warming for the Body of Hypothermia
It is important to keep the head and neck of someone suffering with hypothermia warm. You should put something between them and the cold ground as well as removing wet clothes. Then you should warm the body slowly by first heating the chest, neck, head and groin with an electric blanket. Skin-to-skin contact under loose and dry sheets to share body heat. Even when their body temperature begins to rise you should continue to keep them wrapped in warm blankets.
Warm and Sweet Beverages for Hypothermia
This is a key part of the warming process as it increases the core temperature and a quick boost from the sugar. Only give hot drinks to the patient if they are conscious. Try hot chocolate or hot apple cider.
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