Acupuncture for Hyperhidrosis
This ancient and traditional Chinese treatment can help who sweat excessive by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions of the nerve system and acupuncture can bring them back to their normal state. It is believed that the energies that run in your body are responsible for your optimum health. Acupuncture involves the use of tiny metallic needles that are inserted into the skin and then manually moved or electrically manipulated.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Hyperhidrosis
If you suffer from sweating when you are anxious or stressed CBT may be able to help you. Hyperhidrosis can also be embarrassing and cause social anxiety, thus causing you to sweat even more. Training in CBT can change your reactions to triggers and allow you to change your thought patterns to you manage stress and anxiety. You will work with a therapist to overcome your anxieties and change your view of potentially stressful situations.
Stress-Relieving Techniques for Hyperhidrosis
In order to combat stress and embarrassment of sweating and other underlying health conditions, practising stress relieving techniques. Activities like yoga, journaling, and mediation being included in your daily routine can help to manage your stress. Also finding activities to boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable in social situations can help.
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