Acupuncture for Chronic fatigue
This traditional and ancient Chinese treatment can help those who suffer from chronic fatigue by allowing patients to regain quality of life as well as functionality. It is believed that the energies (chi) that run in your body keep you at optimum health when balanced. An acupuncturist will aim to balance and realign the chi channels. It involves the use of tiny metallic needles which are are inserted into the skin and manually moved or electronically manipulated.
Food for Chronic fatigue
There is a link between the food you eat and chronic fatigue, so you should work out if you are suffering from allergies to certain foods, environments, metals, or pollen. There is a possibility that you are suffering from a gluten or lactose intolerance and the symptoms are chronic fatigue. Other foods that might be causing a problem are tree nuts, dairy, shellfish, yeast, soy, and peanuts.
Nutrients and Supplements for Chronic fatigue
You should increase your intake of vitamin B6 as it prevents and relieves fatigue as well as supports the immune system. You can find it in foods like salmon, bananas, turkey, and garlic. Vitamin B12 to promote the methylation process to relieve symptoms. Magnesium is also important as it provides less pain and improved energy.
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