Most people know there is no cure for the common cold and also there are no guaranteed treatments that can get rid of a cold so it is more a case of managing the symptoms, perhaps lessening them and where possible avoiding getting a cold in the first place and if you do get one trying not to pass it on to others.
When suffering from a cold some of the best treatment you can give yourself is rest and plenty of sleep. You may not feel you should take ‘time out’ for a cold but it can mean you recover far quicker than if you try and keep up your normal schedule. In fact, not allowing yourself additional rest or sleep can make it worse and even leave you vulnerable to a more severe illness such as chest and throat infections.
Avoiding dehydration by drinking plenty of non-alcoholic, non-caffeine drinks is also vital to aiding recovery, of course water is best and lots of it as it helps to flush the virus out of the system.
There are a number of over the counter medicines that you can take to help with symptoms like congestion, coughing, aches and reducing temperature.
For congestion you can use a decongestant spray containing oxymetazoline but only use it for two or three days maximum as beyond that it can cause more mucus to build up. Decongestants also come in tablet form and contain pseudoephedrine which will help with drying up excess mucus from nasal passages.
Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen will lower temperature and help with aches and also make sleep more achievable. However, you must not take these painkillers if you are already taking a commercial cold remedy as these remedies already contain paracetamol or ibuprofen so you could over-dose by accident.
For sore throats gargling with warm salty water can be very effective or using a cough mixture that soothes as well as lessens any coughing you are experiencing.
Personal Hygiene
Steps you can take to try and avoid spreading a cold to others is to regularly wash your hands in warm soapy water and use a tissue when you sneeze or cough to trap germs and then immediately bin it. Germs on hands and surfaces can live for up to 24 hours so hand washing and binning of soiled tissues helps eliminate them from the environment.
If you want to try and avoid getting a cold then hand washing is again vital and also avoid touching your eyes and nose if you have been in contact with someone who has a cold as the virus can spread this way into your system. Above all staying fit and healthy is one of the best ways to avoid getting a cold.